- Ecuador
- Qatar
- Netherlands
- Peru
- Kuwait
- South Korea
- Nicaragua
- Singapore
- Japan
- Turkey
- Saint Lucia
- Kyrgyzstan
- Ukraine
- Kazakhstan
- Moldova
- Latvia
- Estonia
- Lithuania
- Russia
- Belarus
Attributes like physical longevity, divorce likelihood, and suicide likelihood are important objective indicators for measuring the quality of a man's life, and are reasonably well-recorded in this index. Sure, there are lots of gaps, but I think it's a good general gauge of where countries lie, or is at least a start.
It's unfortunate that more effort isn't put into compiling lists like this. One of the areas the manosphere is deficient in, in my opinion, is data-driven statistical support of arguments, as well as the use of data to see where men stand, period. Men's rights bloggers are good at elucidating many of the issues, but there needs to be a more readily-available backup of arguments with data. Dalrock is good at this, but off the top of my head, I can't think of anybody else. Of course one recognizes the problem with "official" statistics in these matters, as A Voice for Men and Pierce Harlan's False Rape Society point out.
I urge everyone who comes here to visit the Status of Men Index (soMENi) site. You can sort the countries by various categories and where they stand on them. The guy who compiled it seems to recognize the problems with the incompleteness in the data, as well as the need for additional categories, and is calling for help. Help him out!
Also, the site has a good list of male-friendly airlines (airlines that allow men to sit next to children.)
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